
Gràinne Moss, Oranga Tamariki Chief Executive, recently visited Adelaide to share her expert knowledge in New Zealand child protection policy with Australian state and territory Chief Executives during a recent Children and Families Secretaries (CAFS) meeting.

Gràinne Moss, Oranga Tamariki Chief Executive, recently visited Adelaide to share her expert knowledge in New Zealand child protection policy with Australian state and territory Chief Executives during a recent Children and Families Secretaries (CAFS) meeting.

Established in 2017, Oranga Tamariki – Ministry for Children is dedicated to supporting any child in New Zealand whose wellbeing is at significant risk of harm, while also working with young people who have offended or who are likely to offend.

Ms Moss drew strong parallels to Australian and South Australian reform priorities, outlining her agency’s focus on improving outcomes for Māori children, reducing their overrepresentation in the child protection system and embedding the voice of the child at every step.

CAFS members heard about the ministry’s ambitious program to transform their care, youth justice and transition to independence services, with Ms Moss sharing insights into their achievements so far.

With many common challenges and goals identified, this meeting provided a valuable forum to exchange knowledge and experiences, helping to build partnerships between Australian and New Zealand child protection agencies.

In the Māori language, ‘Oranga’ means livelihood and wellbeing and ‘tamariki’ refers to children. When put together, Oranga Tamariki recognises the inherent right of children to be safe, healthy and supported to thrive.

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