
The department is excited to introduce a new interactive recruitment website to help attract more foster carers – fostercare.sa.gov.au.

The Department for Child Protection is excited to introduce a new interactive recruitment website to help attract more foster carers – fostercare.sa.gov.au.

This is just one of a number of steps the department is taking to grow family-based care, as part of  a range of initiatives being overseen by the Carer Recruitment and Retention Taskforce.

The website guides visitors through a simple quiz which asks about their living situation, cultural background, age and work, highlighting the diversity of people who can help children in need.

This approach recognises that many people may be thinking about becoming a foster carer but may not believe they are suitable due to their living situation, age or other factors.

The department is already seeing positive results from the quiz, which has generated more than 80 foster care enquiries so far.

We encourage you to promote the site to clients and people interested in becoming carers.

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