
The Department for Child Protection (DCP) is pleased to announce the appointment of 12 providers to the Placement and Support Packages (PaSP) Panel.

  • Aboriginal Family Support Services Ltd
  • Baptist Care (SA) Inc
  • Community Living Options (CLO) Inc
  • HenderCare
  • Infinity Community Solutions
  • Junction Australia
  • Lifestyle Solutions (Aust) Ltd
  • Life Without Barriers
  • Minda Inc
  • Novita Children's Services
  • Safe Places for Children
  • Uniting Country SA Ltd.

The Placement and Support Packages (PaSP) model provides short term, individualised and targeted accommodation and support packages based on the specific needs of children and young people.

The primary objectives of the PaSP model are to:

  • ensure placements provide care 24-hours a day, 7-days a week in licensed children’s residential facilities.
  • ensure children and young people are provided individualised support packages based on specific, identified needs as assessed.
  • provide placement management that includes a pro-active placement review and escalation process to transition children and young people within 90 days.
  • encourage the use of dual or multiple occupancy facilities to support children and young people to develop the skills to live with others.

The requirement for a PaSP package will be identified by DCP and delivered by non-government agencies from the PaSP Panel.

The PaSP Panel is open so additional panellists may be added in the future.

For further information regarding PaSP, please email the dedicated PaSP Placement Services mailbox.