
We are scoping a new website to promote the important and valued role that carers play, and provide information to support them.

We are working on a number of approaches to grow foster and kinship care, recognising that most children thrive best in family-based environments. This means recruiting more carers and better supporting existing carers to continue in their important roles.

To help achieve this, we are scoping a new website to promote the important and valued role that carers play, and provide information to support them in their caring role.

Members of the Foster Care Recruitment and Retention Taskforce recently met to workshop what a potential carer website could look like – thank you to everyone involved. We are using the ideas and expertise from that session to scope potential functionality for a website that is both carer-friendly and useful.

The first phase of the website will focus solely on recruitment, with an interactive quiz for potential future carers which prompts them to contact a care agency to continue their journey. We hope to launch this shortly.

Phase 2 will develop a one-stop-shop for all carer-related information and resources. This phase will involve considerable planning and consultation with carers to ensure the website is purpose built and fills a gap for both carers and care agencies. By sharing resources and expertise we can better support carers in their important role.

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