
Do you know a social worker who has made an outstanding contribution to the lives of individuals, families, workplaces or the community?

Nominate a social worker today.

We’re proud to be a gold sponsor of the 2023 Australian Association Social Workers (AASW) South Australian Social Worker of the Year Awards to be held June 15 at the Beachouse, Glenelg.

This year, we’re sponsoring the ‘Agent of Change’ category.

Held biannually, these awards aim to celebrate and pay tribute to the tireless commitment and expertise demonstrated by social workers in often-challenging and complex environments such as child protection.

If you know a social worker who has excelled in their field, nominate them to be in with a chance of receiving a coveted SA Social Worker of the Year award.

There will be awards across six categories:

Agent of Change

‘Agent of Change Award’ recognises the outstanding contribution by a social worker who makes a transformative difference through organisational or systems change to individuals, families or communities.

Head, Heart and Hands

‘Head, Heart and Hands Award’ recognises the outstanding career of a social worker who makes an outstanding positive difference and a significant impact in their work for clients, community and/or the social work profession.

Supervision in the Workplace

Supervision in the Workplace Award’ recognises a social work workplace supervisor who is actively and successfully demonstrating the AASW Supervision Practice Standards in enhancing the knowledge and skills of their Supervisee/s.

Rising Star

‘Rising Star’ Award recognises the outstanding performance of a recently qualified social worker (less than three years), demonstrating potential leadership within the industry and making an outstanding positive difference to individuals, families or communities.

Rural and Remote Impact

Rural and Remote Impact’ Award recognises the outstanding performance of a social worker or social work team who work(s) for a rural or remote community in South Australia, working creatively with the resources and assets of a rural or remote context.

Student of the Year

‘Student of the Year Award’ recognises a current student who is achieving outstanding results in their studies (GPA 5.5 or higher) and who is already giving back to the social work community.

Please email branchservices@assw.asn.au to request entry forms and guidelines.

Nominations are open until Friday 31 March 2023.