To promote greater transparency across government, the department has made available under FOI their recent determinations that contain non-personal information to the public. This process is governed by Premier and Cabinet Circular PC045.

The disclosure log lists information that has been released by the agency in response to a request for access to information under the Freedom of Information Act 1991 received after 1 October 2017.

Other information released by the department can be found on the proactive disclosure of government information page.

What information is available?

The department will make information and documents available to the public that have already been disclosed to an FOI applicant.

Some information accessed under the Freedom of Information Act 1991 is not included in this list including:

  • personal information
  • documents or material that are exempt under Schedule 1 of the Act
  • information that can't be published due to required deletions or redactions to the documents
  • documents that are technically difficult to publish.

Disclosure log

F260/23-24 - 15 February 2024

The annual spend by the Department for Child Protection on short term third party accommodation facilities to house children under the care of the CE (ie motels, hotels, Airbnb). Please provide an annual spend for the last five years. If data is collected for financial years, the past five complete financial years plus the 6 months year to date to 31 December 2023.

F240/23-24 - 30 January 2024

A copy of all finalised briefings to the CE of the Department for Child Protection and to the Minister for Child Protection from 1 January 29024 until 25 January 2024 excluding attachments.

F184/23-24– 6 December 2023

The number and age of children under the care of the CE living in residential care. Of the children under 10 years of age, how many are living in sibling groups and how many are not with siblings. From: 6 December 2023 to 6 December 2023

F068/23-24– 25 August 2023

Copies of documents including but not limited to emails, briefings and memorandums regarding executive coaching, including names and titles of executive employees who have undertaken executive coaching, number of sessions, copies of invoices, name of service providers and cost. From  21/03/2022 to 25/08/2023.

MO-F2023010118  15 August 2023

A copy of all documents (including but not limited to hard copy or electronic briefings, minutes, reports, emails, letters, meeting agendas, diary entries and any other correspondence) relating to revised lease arrangements for Sports SA and any election commitments regarding lease arrangements.

MO-F2023009695 9 August 2023

Please provide all documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, diary entries, briefings, notes on any other form of communication between the Minister’s office, including the Minister, Chief of Staff, or any other staff member, and the Member for Newland and/or her office.

F050/23-24– 8 August 2023

To the Freedom of Information Officer I write seeking documents containing information under the Freedom of Information Act 1991. I specifically seek access to: 1. All official departmental policy documents relating to contraception and family planning for young people in out-of-home care, including but not limited to: i. DCP policy/process document/s regarding the management of contraception and family planning ii. DCP policy/process document/s about requests for contraception, whether made by the child or carer/Guardian iii. DCP upward referral process document/s for decision-making about contraception and family planning I note the onus rests with the agency to prove why any information should not be released and I request the agency provide evidence in support of any assumptions or assertions used to justify non-disclosure. From 1/7/2022 to 8/8/2023.

MO-F2023009693 3 August 2023

All correspondence to the Minister for Child Protection from the Member for Adelaide between 21 March 2022 to 31 July 2023.

MO-F2023007178 18 July 2023

All invoices, contracts, briefings, minutes, emails, correspondence and any other documents between the Minister's office and Solstice Media, excluding subscription-based emails that the Minister's office have signed up to, including any responses to that correspondence, from 15 April 2023 to 14 July 2023

MO-F2023007177 18 July 2023

A copy of all correspondence and meeting documents, including but not limited to hard copy or electronic briefings, minutes, emails, letters, meeting agendas, and any other correspondence between the Member for Stuart and the Minister for Child Protection between 21/03/2022 and 01/07/2023.

MO-F2023007175 17 July 2023

A copy of the most recent work plan showing progress against election commitments from 21 March 2022 to 17 July 2023.

MO-F2023007126  13 July 2023

All correspondence received from the Member for Davenport, Erin Thompson MP, and any responses (Member initiated) and correspondence sent by the Minister to the Member (Minister initiated) including responses to that correspondence. The correspondence in scope is correspondence relating to the Minister’s portfolios.

F008/23-24– 6 July 2023

I request copies of the following documents: 1. The Placement and Support Packages (PaSP) costing template 2. Presentation documents from the Placement and Support Packages (PaSP) tender pre-briefing tender code DCP046243 3. Department of Child protection documents that reference the assumed award level for residential care/youth workers provided as agency staff by external organisations under the Social Community Home Care and Disability Services Award for the PaSP and or Residential Care Placement programs between 2016 and 6 July 2023 4. Specification documents from the invitation to Supply P374 Residential Care Services Tender Code DCP050635 5. A copy of executed contracts between the Department and Hendercare Foundation for the provision of Residential Care Placement programs between 2016 and 2023 From 1/01/2016 to 6/7/2023.

F394/22-23– 7 June 2023

The latest copies of your internal complaint management policy for staff complaints and grievances, including procedure guides and reporting requirements.

MO-F2023006009 19 May 2023

All briefings, minutes, correspondence and any other documents between the Minister's office and Solstice Media regarding 'The Post' (

MO-F2023005313 19 May 2023

All briefings, minutes, correspondence and any other documents between the Minister's office and Solstice Media regarding 'The Post' (

MO-F2023005160 12 May 2023

All Correspondence from and sent to Erin Thompson, Member for Davenport from 20/03/2022 to 20/09/2022.

MO-F2023004757 26 April 2023

A copy of all entries in the diary of the Minister for Sport, Recreation and Racing between 28/03/2023 and 26/04/2023.

F353/22-23 – 24 April 2023

Data relating to staffing levels by FTE as social workers and as ‘other’, between 1 July 2022 and 24 April 2023, in all South Australian DCP Offices and head office. from 1/07/2022 to 24/04/2023.

MO-F2023004048 28 March 2023

A copy of all entries in the diary of the Minister for Sport, Recreation and Racing between 01/01/2023 and 28/03/2023.

MO-F2023003279 5 March 2023

Documents as defined under Part 1 Section 4 Freedom of Information Act 1991 (SA), pertaining to overseas travel, planning of overseas travel and/or procurement of overseas travel for the Minister or staff within the Office of Office of the Hon Katrine Hildyard MP.

MO-F2023003275 5 March 2023

Documents as defined under Part 1 Section 4 Freedom of Information Act 1991 (SA), pertaining to document courier businesses used by the Office of the Hon Katrine Hildyard MP.

MO-F2023003273 5 March 2023

A list of current and past accredited FOI officers in the Office of the Hon Katrine Hildyard MP, including but not limited to employment title, date of accreditation, certificate of accreditation, employment classification.

F294/22-23 - 3 March 2023

All emails, correspondence, briefings and diary entries involving the interaction between the Office of Recreation and Sport with the Department for Child Protection, since 20 March 2022. From 20/03/2022-03/03/2023.

MO-F2023003121 28 February 2023

A copy of all entries in the diary of the Minister for Child Protection, Minster for Recreation, Sport and Racing, Minister for Women and the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence, between 12 November 2022 and 27 February 2023.

MO-F2023003053 24 February 2023

A copy of all grant agreements signed by the Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing in relation to the ‘Community Recreation and Sport Facilities Program 2022-23’ between 14/10/2022 and 24/02/2023.

MO-F2023003052 24 February 2023

All documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages and any other form of correspondence, pertaining to overseas travel (planned or actual) by the Minister and/ or her staff.

F268/22-23 – 16 February 2023

I request all documents (including contracts, agreements and/or tender documents) relating to Placement and Support Packages (PaSP) and/or Residential Care Placements (including and after 2019) awarded to Hendercare, including all documents related to the tender process, the program parameters, preparatory documents (including electronic and paper) that outline the purposes of these programs, the methods for delivery and detail relating to the types and level of service that Hendercare will provide under these agreements. From 01/01/2019-01/01/2023.

F267/22-23 – 15 February 2023

Documents evidencing policy or process according to which Child and Youth Worker employees, including those undertaking their CHC40313 Certificate IV in Child, Youth and Family Intervention training, “shadow senior staff” when caring for children.[1] [1] Premier Peter Malinauskas, 8 February 2023, 7 News.

F266/22-23 15 February 2023

Copies of documents that record any of the following information: 1) how many Child and Youth Workers have started in DCP’s employment since June 2022; 2) how many DCP employees commenced CHC40313 Certificate IV in Child, Youth and Family Intervention training, 3) of these, how many did not finish their Certificate IV in Child, Youth and Family Intervention training or left the role, 4) how many currently employed Child and Youth Workers have not completed their CHC40313 Certificate IV in Child, Youth and Family Intervention training.

F264/22-23 13 February 2023

A copy of the letter of resignation by the CE Cathy Taylor sent on or around the Friday 27 January 2023 to the Premier or his representatives. Include any accompanying emails when transmitted. From 24/01/2023-02/02/2023.

MO-F2023003023 – 13 February 2023

All communication from 20 March 2022 to the present, between the Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing and any of the below listed organisations and individuals:

  • Conservation and Hunting Alliance of SA (CHASA)
  • Mr Tony Sharley
  • Hellenic Shooting Sports of SA
  • Sporting Shooters Association of Australia, SA

F249/22-23 - 31 January 2023

1. All children and young people DCP have referred for legal assistance to obtain VOC Compensation in years 2019/2020, 2020/21 and 2021/2022.

2. Children/young people who were provided with written approval by DCP Manager’s for VOC Compensation in years 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22.

3. The list of DCP Solicitors approved to conduct VOC Compensation for children/young people in care of DCP in years 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22.

4. Documents of children and young people who received VOC Compensation in year 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22.

5. Documents identifying the DCP offices that refer children for VOC Compensation in years 2020, 2021 and 2022.

6. Documents identifying individual DCP offices that do not refer, decline to refer or have been involved in VOC Compensation being declined by a child or young person.

7. Consultations recorded on the C3MS where decisions are made to delay or not proceed with a VOC claim.

8. Documents relating to contact with the Commissioner for Victims’ of Crime regarding requests for initial assessments.

9. Documents relating to the legal representation and support Aboriginal children have received in preparation of their VOC Compensation.

10. Documentation on support for children receiving CALD support for their VOC Compensation Claim.

11. Documentation relating to foster and kinship carers being recorded as the “next friend” in VOC Compensation claims.

12. The number of young people that have relinquished their entitlements for family or cultural reasons.

13. Number of children coming into care that the family member or carer have been reported to SAPOL.

14. The ages of the children/young people who are consenting to VOC Compensation claim.

15. The ages of children/young people who are not consenting to VOC Compensation claims.

16. Cultural backgrounds of children/young people who are consenting not to seek VOC Compensation claims.

17. All reports DCP Managers record on the DCP “central register” (as noted on page 159 of the DCP Manual of Practice, supporting children and young people in care chapter).

18. Documents indicating a long-term guardian has assumed responsibility of the VOC claim.

19. Annual Reviews that include VOC Compensation information in years 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22.

20. Documents indicating DCP have sought an Ex Gratia Payment from the VOC scheme.

21. Documents indicating DCP has worked with the Crown to seek to recover VOC compensation.

22. Number of children/young people that have had their VOC Compensation placed on hold in each of the years 2020, 2021 and 2022.

23. Documents regarding the Financial Systems & Compliance Unit (FSCU) that has been recorded for each of the financial years of 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22. To be clear, I am requesting the amounts that have been recorded each year from the VOC Compensation as well as the cumulative amount DCP has referred to the Public Trustee for children and young persons who have been successful with their VOC claim.

MO-F2023002558 – 20 January 2023

A copy of all documents (including briefing notes, letters, emails and any other form of correspondence) from the Ministers office regarding or relating to a meeting held between the Minister, Golf Australia and PGA on 4/07/2022 between 27/06/2022 and 8/07/2022.

MO-F2023002457 – 20 January 2023

A copy of all documents (including briefing notes, letters, emails and any other form of correspondence) from the Ministers office regarding a meeting between the Minister and the Office for Sport, Recreation and Racing on 12/09/2022 between 05/09/2022 and 17/09/2022

MO-F2023002379 – 20 January 2023

A copy of all documents (including briefing notes, letters, emails and any other form of correspondence) from the Ministers office regarding a meeting between the Minister and the Office for Sport, Recreation and Racing on 19/09/2022 between 12/09/2022 and 26/09/2022

MO-F2023002460 – 20 January 2023

A copy of all documents (including briefing notes, letters, emails and any other form of correspondence) from the Ministers office regarding a meeting between the Minister and the Office for Sport, Recreation and Racing on 26/09/2022 between 19/09/2022 and 2/10/2022

MO-F2023002369 – 20 January 2023

A copy of all documents (including briefing notes, letters, emails and any other form of correspondence) from the Ministers office regarding a meeting between the Minister and the Office for Sport, Recreation and Racing on 11/08/2022 between 08/08/2022 and 12/08/2022

MO-F2023002475 – 20 January 2023

A copy of all documents and correspondence (including briefing notes, minutes, letters, emails and any other form of correspondence) regarding or relating to a the meeting held between the Minister and CEO Kylie Taylor on 30/05/2022 between 23/05/2022 and 3/06/2022

F230/22-23 13 January 2023

Please provide all documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, and any other form of correspondence since the election pertaining to the Ministerial Code of Conduct. From 20/03/20233-13/01/2023.

MO-F2023002371 – 13 January 2023

Please provide all documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, and any other form of correspondence since the election pertaining to the Ministerial Code of Conduct.

MO-F2023002213 – 13 January 2023

Please provide all documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, and any other forms of correspondence, pertaining to overseas travel (planned or actual) by the Minister and/or their staff in 2023.

MO-F2023002021 – 13 January 2023

Please provide all documents, including but not limited to emails, text messages, and any other form of correspondence since the election pertaining to any potential or actual conflict of interest.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

MO-F2023001860 – 23 December 2022

A copy of all entries in the diary of the Minister for Sport, Recreation and Racing between 1 October 2022 and 1 November 2022.

MO-F2023001863 – 23 December 2022

A copy of all documents (including but not limited to hard copy or electronic briefings, minutes, reports, emails, letters, meeting agendas, diary entries, event attendance records and any other correspondence) held by the Minister’s office relating to the LIV Golf Tournament between 1 April 2022 and 15 November 2022.

MO-F2022031727 – 6 December 2022

A copy of all correspondence between the Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing and the Member for Waite.

MO-F2022027039 – 28 November 2022

A copy of all documents (including but not limited to hard copy or electronic briefings, minutes, reports, emails, letters, meeting agendas, diary entries and any other correspondence) received, or sent, by the Minister (including the Minister’s Office), regarding any conflicts of interest in relation to local sporting club grants, between 21 March 2022 and 30 September 2022.

F139/21-22 – 28 November 2022

Copies of all credit card statements for all Executive Assistants/Personal Assistants in the DCP Office of Chief Executive. Copies of all documents and records relating to reimbursements paid to the DCP Chief Executive between 25 March 2018 and 23 November 2021.

MO-F2022027044 – 18 November 2022

All briefings, including notes, hard copies and emails related to said briefing regarding or relating to 'election commitment approval' from 30 May 2022 to 3 March 2022.

MO-F2022027017 – 16 November 2022

A copy of all correspondence, including emails, letters, briefs and notes between the Ministers Office and the Strathalbyn Harness Racing club between 01 October 2022 and 16 November 2022.

MO-F2022026911 – 16 November 2022

A copy of all correspondence, including emails, letters and briefing notes and all other correspondence between the Ministers Office and the Mount Gambier Harness Racing club between 1 October 2022 and 16 November 2022.

MO-F2022026904 – 16 November 2022

A copy of all correspondence, including emails, letters and all other correspondence between the Ministers Office and a Mr Philip Wood between 1 October 2022 and 16 November 2022.

MO-F2022026977 –  11 November 2022

A copy of all entries in the diary of the Minister between 21 March 2022 and 11 November 2022.

MO-F2022020402 – 27 October 2022

Any documents regarding grant funding approval signed by the Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing directly in relation to Sports and Infrastructure grants committed by the Malinauskas Labor Government between 19 March 2022 to 19 October 2022.

F126/22-23 – 13 October 2022

Information and documentation regarding the number of child protection notifications reporting a girl child at risk of Female Genital Mutilation from 1995 to 2022, the number of these investigated by DCP, and what interventions were employed by DCP to minimise the risk.

F116/22-23 – 5 October 2022

The number of deaths of children (infant to 18 years old) known to the Department for the financial years 19/20, 20/21, 21/22, including a breakdown of cause of death, number of children who were under the active care of DCP, number of children involved with DCP in the 12 months prior to their death, and ages of children in each category.

F115/22-23 – 4 October 2022

Copies of all Audit Management Letters and their corresponding audit reports from the 30 June 2022 Auditor-General's Department Audit period.

F109/22-23 – 28 September 2022

A transaction list pertaining to all expenditure by the former Office of the Minister for Child Protection for the following periods: 1 July 2021 – 31 March 2022 1 July 2020 – 30 June 2021 1 July 2019 – 30 June 2020 1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019 19 March 2018 – 30 June 2018.

MO-F2022009253 – 19 September 2022

A copy of all documents between the Hon Katrine Hildyard MP (including the Office of the Hon Katrine Hildyard MP and the Minister’s staff) and Member for Mawson (including the Mawson Electorate Office and the Member’s staff) relating to overseas travel.

F088/22-23 – 7 September 2022

The letter dated 13 May 2016, prepared by Ms Trisha Handebeaux, provided to the Federal Circuit Court (Findings [9.13]), from 9–13 May 2016.

F087/22-23 – 7 September 2022

The report dated 17 December 2014, prepared by Ms Hale on behalf of the Minister for Education and Child Development, provided to the Federal Circuit Court, and any other internal communication from the Minister’s office to Families SA in relation to the preparation of this report (Findings [9.3]), from 1–19 December 2014.

F086/22-23 – 7 September 2022

The report dated 25 November 2014 prepared by Ms Avril Hale on behalf of the Minister for Education and Child Development, provided to the Federal Circuit Court, as it requested on 19 November 2014, and any other internal communication from the Minister’s office to Families SA in relation to the preparation of the report (Findings at [9.2]), from 3-28 November 2014.

MO-F2022005478 – 1 August 2022

A copy of all entries in the diary of the Minister for Child Protection, Minster for Recreation, Sport and Racing, Minister for Women and the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence, between 15 July 2022 and 20 July 2022.

MO-F2022005212 – 1 August 2022

A copy of all entries in the diary of the Minister for Child Protection, Minster for Recreation, Sport and Racing, Minister for Women and the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence, between 20 March 2022 and 29 July 2022.

MO-F2022004666 – 8 July 2022

Copies of any documents any relating to the implementation of local sporting club upgrades funded in the 2021-22 State Budget between the Minister and/or the Minister’s staff and public sector employees deployed to the Minister’s Office, and the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing, from 24/03/2022 to 02/06/2022 (inclusive).

F104 21-22 – 22 October 2021

1. A copy of all contracts entered in to or proposed to the Department that involve Mr Geoff Rohrsheim or a related entity including but not exclusive to the following entities.

  • Hatch Creations
  • CEVO
  • YourHealthi
  • Chamonix IT Solutions
  • Smart City Solutions
  • Alcidon Group Ltd
  • Expose
  • Nimbal
  • Kloud Solutions

2. A copy of all diary entries, meetings notes, briefings, proposals, emails or documents held by the Department that involve Mr Geoff Rohrsheim or Mr David Rohrsheim or a related entity regarding any unsolicited proposal.

3. A copy of all unsolicited proposals sent to the Department for consideration from the Office of the Minister or any other entity or person.

Date Range:18/03/2018 to 22/10/2021.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

F093 21-22 – 11 October 2021

Copies of all credit card statements for credit cards held by all current and former staff members in the Minister’s Office, including Office Managers and Executive Assistants but excluding any credit cards that have been proactively disclosed. Copies of all documents and records including but not limited to financial statements, bank statements, credit card statements, briefings, minutes, correspondence, reports, emails, receipts, letters, and written notes of reimbursements paid to the Minister and all former or current staff in the Minister’s office.

'From' date 26/03/2018 'To' 31/08/2021

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

FO36 21-22 – 11 August 2021

A list of the type of properties used for "commercial care" in the past two years including motels, hotels, Airbnb and/or other short term accommodation.

'From' date 01/01/2020 'TO' date 11/08/2021

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

MCP2020-F003999 – 23 October 2020

Copies of any documents including but not limited to handwritten correspondence, letters, emails, briefs, minutes, diary entries, text messages or other relevant correspondence relating to a serious care concern, extra familial sexual assault or child protection incident in January 2020.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

MCP2020-F003997 – 23 October 2020

Copies of any documents including but not limited to handwritten correspondence, letters, emails, briefs, minutes, diary entries, text messages or relevant correspondence relating to changes to notification procedures, including notification of the Minister and/or Minister’s office, concerning child protection incidents, extra familial sexual assaults, serious care concerns and adverse event reports.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

MCP2020-F003547 - 31 August 2020

All document and records including but not limited to financial statements, bank statements, credit card statements, briefings, minutes, correspondence, reports, emails, letters. Meeting agendas, written notes and diary entries regarding access to foreign currency for ministerial travel for the period 14 March 2014 to 17 March 2018.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

MCP2020-F003549 - 31 August 2020

All document and records including but not limited to financial statements, bank statements, credit card statements, briefings, minutes, correspondence, reports, emails, letters, meeting agendas, written notes and diary entries regarding applications for access to travel allowances made by the Minister and ministerial staff for the period March 2010 to present.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

MCP2020-F003548 – 31 August 2020

All documents and records including but not limited to financial statements, bank statements, credit  card statements, briefings, minutes, correspondence, reports, emails, letters, meeting agendas, written Notes and diary entries of reimbursements paid to the Minister and staff in the Ministers office/or the period 14 March 2014 to 17 March 2039 (sic).

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

F011/20-21 - 7 July 2021

A list of all public servants seconded to the Minister for Child Protection’s Office. The number of complaints, concerns, conflict or dispute avoidances, requests for transfers and workers compensation claims.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

F297/20-21 - 21 May 2021

How many DCP employees have been suspended in the past three years? How many were suspended on pay while being investigated? How many DCP employees have been dismissed in the past three years? How many of these were drug related?

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

F240/20-21 - 29 March 2021

List of all positions for government workers in the Child Protection Department based in the APY lands, the number of child abuse allegations made in the area, by year, for the past 2 years.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

F213/20-21 - 3 March 2021

All documents in relation to foster and kinship payments.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

F080/20-21 - 23 September 2020

Copies of agendas, minutes and attached papers from meetings between the CE of the Department for Child Protection and the Minister for Child Protection.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

F078/20-21 - 23 September 2020

Copies of documents relating to changes in notification procedures concerning child protection incidents, extrafamilial sexual assaults, serious care concerns and adverse event reports.

For copies of documents disclosed, contact the department.

MCP2020-F002359 - 4 June 2020

Copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to hard copy or electronic briefings, minutes, reports, file notes, emails, letters, meeting agendas, diary entries, contracts, financial documents, invoices, video and audio recordings, messaging services and SMS communications, and any other correspondence) relating to children in state care being looked after in hotels, motels, caravan parks or other temporary accommodation from 22 March 2018 to the present.

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MCP2019-F-627 - 19 December 2019

All files, reports, document, invoices, briefings and emails detailing the cost of indoor plants in the Office of the Minister - Hon Rachel Sanderson for the period January 1, 2019 to 21 November, 2019

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19MCP/1314 - 16 October 2019

All documents including emails, correspondence, memos, briefings and any other documents relating to the selection panel and process regarding the appointment of Mr Samuel Diprose as Senior Business Support Officer

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19MCP/1264 | 19MCP/1265 | 19MCP/1266 - 11 October 2019

Copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to hard copy or electronic briefings, minutes, reports, emails, letters, meeting agendas, diary entries and any other correspondence) between the Minister and/or Minister's Office staff and the Attorney-General and/or the Attorney-­General's Office in regard to any FOi between 18 March 2018 and 12 September 2019

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19MCP/1261 | 19MCP/1262 | 19MCP/1263 - 11 October 2019

Copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to hard copy or electronic briefings, minutes, reports, emails, letters, meeting agendas, diary entries and any other correspondence) between the Minister and/or Minister's Office staff and the Treasurer and/or the Treasurer's Office in regard to any FOi between 18 March 2018 and 12 September 2019

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19MCP/1260 | 19MCP/1259 | 19MCP/1258 - 11 October 2019

Copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to hard copy or electronic briefings, minutes, reports, emails, letters, meeting agendas, diary entries and any other correspondence) between the Minister and/or Minister's Office staff and the Premier and/or the Premier's Office in regard to any FOi between 18 March 2018 and 12 September 2019

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19MCP/1215 - 24 September 2019

A copy of all receipts, invoices and details of any other expenditure paid for or reimbursed by the Ministerial Office or the Department for Child Protection for Minister Sanderson and her adviser to travel to the United Kingdom, London and Leeds between 18 May to 26 May 2019.

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19MCP/1015 - 16 August 2019

Copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to physical, electronic, or handwritten correspondence, letters, emails, briefs, minutes, diary entries and any other correspondence) between the Minister and/or Minister's Office staff and Mr James Stevens and/or the Liberal for Sturt campaign between 1 January 2019 and 18 May 2019

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19MCP/1012 - 16 August 2019

Copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to physical, electronic, or handwritten correspondence, letters, emails, briefs, minutes, diary entries and any other correspondence) between the Minister and/or Minister's Office staff and Ms Nicolle Flint and/or the Liberal for Boothby campaign between 1 January 2019 and 18 May 2019.

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19MCP/1010 - 16 August 2019

Copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to physical, electronic, or handwritten correspondence, letters, emails, briefs, minutes, diary entries and any other correspondence) between the Minister and/or Minister's Office staff and Ms Georgina Downer and/or the Liberal for Mayo campaign between 1 January 2019 and 18 May 2019

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19MCP/1007 - 16 August 2019

Copy of any current document which lists all staff and/or job titles in the Minister's Office AND a copy of the current Confidential Ministers Directory between 1 January 2019 and 17 July 2019

Download response (PDF, 3.5 MB)

19MCP/0700 - 11 July 2019

Since March 2018, copies of all documents, including emails, minutes, invoices, memos relation to the cost of any media or communications training

Download response (PDF, 352.3 KB)

19MCP/0624 - 11 June 2019

Since 17 March 2018, copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to physical, electronic, or written briefs, minutes, emails, internal correspondence and any other correspondence) regarding the Buthera Agreement.

Download response (PDF, 213.3 KB)

F162/18-19 - 7 June 2019

The current version of the Out of Home Care Financial Agreement Policy; all versions of the Out of Home Care Financial Agreement Policy in use since January 1, 2018; All policies and guidance notes regarding exceptional needs funding for foster and kinship carers since January 1, 2018; and correspondence addressed to, from, or involving the Chief Executive of the Department for Child Protection regarding the Out of Home Care Financial Agreement Policy between 18 March 2018 and 21 February 2019.

Date range: 1/1/2018 – 21/2/2019.

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F161/18-19 - 7 June 2019

Correspondence relating to media inquiries from Casey Briggs of ABC News, including but not limited to emails, text messages, and reports. I also seek access to any policy or guidance notes regarding home modifications and/or fit for purpose vehicles for foster or kinship carers.

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F160/18-19 - 7 June 2019

Communications, documents, briefs and emails created or sent by staff who work in either the Department for Child Protection’s Adelaide head office or Salisbury local office between 1 January 2018 and 21 February 2019, which relate to applications for home modifications and fit-for-purpose vehicles for foster carers; and instructions and guidance notes to staff of the DCP relating to applications for home modifications and fit-for-purpose vehicles for foster carers between 1 January 2018 and 21 February 2019.

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19MCP/0464 - 10 May 2019

From 17 March 2018 to 31 July 2018, copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to physical, electronic or written briefs, minutes, emails, diary entries, letters and any other physical correspondence) regarding annual Christmas lunch or end of year celebration arrangements for foster carers and kinship carers

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19MCP/0423 - 6 May 2019

Since 17 March 2018, copies of any and all documents (including but no limited to physical, electronic, written briefs, minutes, emails, diary entries, meeting notes, audio and video recordings, text messages and any other correspondence) about cases of meningococcal, otherwise known as bacterial meningitis, diagnosed in children or young people in residential or commercial care or any other form of state care.

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19MCP/0229 - 22 March 2019

Dear Sir/Madam I write seeking access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1991. Specifically, I am seeking the following documents and communications created between 21 January 2019 and 21 February 2019: * correspondence relating to media inquiries from Casey Briggs of ABC News, including but not limited to emails, text messages, and reports; I advise that I am not interested in communications that Casey Briggs was a recipient or author of. I also advise I am not interested in duplicate copies of documents or documents that have already been publicly released. I would also like advice if the information I have sought is due to be released under FOi to individuals or organisations prior to finalisation of my FOi application. I also note the onus rests with the agency to prove why any information should not be released under the Act and I request the agency provide evidence in support of any assumptions or assertions used to justify non-disclosure. I also advise the agency I am seeking a total reduction in fees and charges associated with this request as release of the information will: contribute to community understanding on an important issue and inform debate and improve government accountability and transparency. Further, the ABC is a non-profit, publicly funded broadcaster and warrants a remission of fees and charges on that basis. I also request the agency provide a five-day waiting period before provision of the information I have sought onto any disclosure Jog as this will assist the ABC in the preparation of any material for broadcast or publication including assessing the information and seeking additional comment including from government. I refer to the OAJC guidelines on this issue and request that if the agency ignores these guidelines that detailed reasons why be provided. If I can assist with the processing of my request, including negotiation of scope, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone or email.

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19MCP/0186 - 6 March 2019

Since 17 March 2018, copies of all invoices and receipts of charges against the Office Manager's credit card in the Office of the Minister for Child Protection

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19MCP/0167 - 6 March 2019

Since 17 March 2018, copies of all statements of the Office Manager's credit card in the Office of the Minister for Child Protection.

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19MCP/0166 - 6 March 2019

Since 17 March 2018, copies of all reimbursement forms made to staff within the Office of the Minister for Child Protection

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18MCP/1243 - 5 March 2019

Since 1 August, 2018, copies of any and all documents (including by not limited to physical, electronic, or written briefs, minutes, emails, diary entries, letters and any other correspondence) regarding annual Christmas lunch or end of year celebration arrangements for foster carers and kinship carers.

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F138/18-19 - 28 February 2019

All receipts, summaries, minutes, briefings and lists of attendees (including but not limited to physical, electronic, or written briefs, minutes, emails, diary entries, text messages and any other correspondence) regarding the event at "Press Food and Wine" and billed at $1005 in the ANZ Visa Statement for Cathy Taylor 4715 **** **** 0817 1 September 2018 to 30 September 2018.

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F114/18-19 - 28 February 2019

Since 1 August 2018, copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to physical, electronic, or written briefs, minutes, emails, diary entries, letters and any other correspondence) regarding annual Christmas lunch or end of year celebration arrangements for foster carers and kinship carers.

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F113/18-19 - 31 December 2018

All files, reports documents, notes, briefings and emails detailing the cost of indoor plants in the Department for Child Protection for the period 18 March 2017 to 17 March 2018, and 18 March 2018 to date.

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18MCP/1229 - 20 December 2018

All files, reports, documents, notes, briefings and emails detailing the cost of indoor plants in the Minister for Child Protection's Ministerial office for the period 18 March 2017- 17 March 2018 and 18 March 2018 to date.

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18MCP/1067 - 4 December 2018

Since 17 March 2018, copies of any and all versions of any document which lists all staff and/or Job titles in the Minister's office, including department staff appointed to the Minister's office.

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F100/18-19 - 22 November 2018

A copy of the briefing documents prepared for staff as part of the preparation for them appearing before the Budget and Finance Committee on the 15 October 2018.

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18MCP/0686 - 17 September 2018

Since 17 March 2018, copies of any and all versions of any document which lists all staff and/or job titles in the Minister's office, including department staff appointed to the Minister's office

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F036/18-19 - 31 August 2018

Since 17 March 2018, copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to physical, electronic, or written briefs, minutes, emails, diary entries, meeting notes, court applications, court orders and any other correspondence) regarding applications to revoke an order granting guardianship of the child or young person to the Minister until the child or young person in 18 years of age made by the Department for Child Protection or the parents of the child or young person who is the subject of the order.

Date range from 17 March 2018 to 31 July 2018.

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MCP/18/141 - 30 July 2018

Since 17 March 2018, copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to physical, electronic, or written briefs, minutes, emails, diary entries and any other correspondence) regarding the Treasurer's review of government funding and/or Treasurer's review of government expenditure.

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F009/18-19 - 26 July 2018

A list of all Freedom of Information requests received from the Liberal Opposition between 17 March 2014 and 16 March 2018.

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F278/17-18 - 26 July 2018

Since 17 March 2018, copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to physical, electronic or written briefs, minutes, emails, dairy entries, and any other correspondence) which lists all staff attending meetings between the Minister and/or the Minister's staff and the Chief Executive, including both Ministerial and departmental staff.

Timeframe 17 March 2018 to 15 June 2018.

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MCP/18/114 - 29 June 2018

Since 17 March 2018, copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to physical, electronic, or written briefs, minutes, emails, cliaty entritic, meeting notes and any other correspondence) regarding Grandparents fer Grandchildren

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MCP/18/123 - 26 June 2018

"Since 17 March 2018, copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to physical, electronic or written briefs, minutes, emails, diary entries, CCTV, audio recordings, meeting notes and correspondence) related to ideas to reduce the number of children in out of home care, including but not limited to, access to care facilities by prospective carers and proposals to place children with potential carers."

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F259/17-18 - 25 June 2018

Since 17 March 2018, copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to physical, electronic, or written briefs, minutes, emails, diary entries and any other correspondence) which lists all departmental staff who have been allocated as the primary contact for the Minister or the Minister's staff or the Minister's office.

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MCP/18/074 - 18 June 2018

The name of the electronic document, management or filing system or systems used by the Minister's office, and a current index of all briefs a) received by the Minister's office; b) requested by-the Minister's-office; c) generated by the Minister's office; d) returned to the department after consideration by the Minister's office staff.

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MCP/18/073-1 - 14 June 2018

Since 17 March 2018, copies of any and all versions of any document which lists all staff and/or job titles in the Minister's office, * including departmental staff appointed to the Minister's office.

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MCP/18/075 - 12 June 2018

Copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to physical, electronic or written briefs, minutes, emails, and any other documents) dated between 17 March 2018 and 9 May 2018 which lists the approximately 100 people the Minister is going to meet with as outlined in Hansard dated 10 May 2018.

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F260/17-18 - 12 June 2018

Since 17 March 2018, copies of any and all documents (including but not limited to physical, electronic or written briefs, minutes, emails and any other documents) which lists or provides the name and position title of all senior Human Resources staff within the agency. Time frame: 17/03/2018 to 22/05/2018.

Note: Scope was amended to a copy of the following:

A list from a Human Resources system that includes the name and position titles of Directors, Managers and Team Leaders in Human Resources.

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F237/17-18 -  30 May 2018

Any and all incoming government briefs (including but not limited to physical or electronic briefs, emails, and any other correspondence) from or for any entity forming part of the organisational structure of the agency, including the Chief Executive, the Minister or any of the Minister's staff between 15 March 2018 to 13 April 2018.

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F145/17-18 - 13 February 2018

Request the numbers of foster carer households and kinship care households as at 30 June 2015 and 30 December 2015.

Note: Scope of date range amended from 30 June 2015 to 31 December 2015.

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F117/17-18 - 19 January 2018

Copies of all statistical reports showing some or all of the following: Notifications to CARL, Screened in Notifications, notifications investigated, notifications dealt with by other means, Notifications Closed Without Action for the financial year 16/17.

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F116/17-18 - 19 January 2018

Request the number of FTE employed by each directorate as at 30 June 2017 and the proposed number of FTE employed by the residential care directorate as at 31 December 2017.

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F115/17-18 - 19 January 2018

Request a copy of all invoices, both inter department and third party, relating to Solution Based Casework, including but not limited to invoices relating to all travel expenses pertaining to implementation, training, servicing and maintenance of the system.

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F114/17-18 - 19 January 2018

Request data regarding all children in residential care both government run and non-government run for the financial year 16/17 relating to:

  • Numbers of incidents of absconding
  • Numbers of pregnancies
  • Numbers of hospital admissions
  • Property damage total or per property
  • Criminal charges broken down by offence category.

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F113/17-18 - 19 January 2018

Request government expenditure on residential care separated by government and non-government run facilities for 2016/17.

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F077/17-18 - 2 November 2017

Request access to all documents relating to the budget and actual spend of social media promotion by the Department for Child Protection for the 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18 periods.

Please note: scope of application changed to 2016/17 and 2017/18 periods which coincide with DCP's commencement as a standalone agency

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F076/17-18 - 2 November 2017

Request access to all correspondence (emails, briefing notes etc) between representatives of the Department for Premier and Cabinet and media/communications staff within the Department for Child Protection regarding social media promotion for the period of 1 January 2014 until  present.

Please note: scope of application changed to 1 November 2016 which coincides with DCP's commencement as a standalone agency.

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Freedom of Information Team
Department for Child Protection
GPO Box 1072
Adelaide SA 5001

Telephone: 8226 4399

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Freedom of Information