The Workforce Strategy for the Child Protection and Family Support Sector aims to raise the profile of child protection to attract more dedicated staff and address challenges such as retention issues faced by the sector in South Australia and across the country. It will help the state build a robust, highly-trained workforce to meet the needs of our child protection system way into the future.

The launch comes after a comprehensive process  including a summit in 2023 and consultation with heads of industry, universities, unions, Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) and Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs). Skills and training organisations, peak sector bodies, public sector agencies and members of the public also contributed.

A key focus of the strategy is developing the Aboriginal workforce to support SA’s commitments under Closing the Gap to build the Aboriginal Community-Controlled sector and transform mainstream services so they better support Aboriginal people.

The strategy targets initiatives across three main pillars to gain, train, and retain a skilled and well supported workforce.

It also aligns with the state’s commitment to Safe and Supported: The National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2021-2031 – First Action Plans.