Quick link to online survey here.

We want to know what you think about Caring Together, DCP’s newsletter for carers. We want to ensure that the newsletter we are producing for carers has information that is relevant, practical and interesting to you in your caring role.

Your feedback will help shape future editions of Caring Together, including the content, format and distribution.

Consultation opens: 07/03/2024
Consultation closes: 01/11/2024


DCP wants carers to feel informed and supported in their caring role.

Caring Together is the department’s regular newsletter for family based carers in South Australia.  It’s one of the key ways that we can communicate news and information to the carer community.

We aim to publish content that is useful to you in your caring role. Recent editions have included updates from DCP, stories about carers, and opportunities for children and young people in care.

The first issue was released in 2021 and we have just released issue 9 in a new-look format, as well as trialling distributing this latest edition to all carers via post.

Get Involved

Have your say by completing the online survey here.

If you would prefer, you can download the physical copy here.

Post your submission to:
Department for Child Protection – Carers Voice
Level 1 West 31 Flinders Street
Adelaide SA 5000

Email your completed survey to: DCPCarerPartnerships@sa.gov.au

Who’s listening?

Strategy, Partnerships and Reform Directorate
Email: DCPCarerPartnerships@sa.gov.au

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