
We are developing some new information resources, highlighting key policy information and need carers input to design interesting and engaging products.

DCP is working hard to help all carers find the right information at the right time, to best support the child or young person in their care. We are looking to consult with current family-based carers through in-person and online workshops, reviewing different types of information resources and evaluating their effectiveness. This is your opportunity to help shape how DCP presents importance policy information for carers!

Your feedback will help guide the creation of new information resources with DCP. If you are interested in attending one of these workshops, please register your interest through Carers Voice here: https://www.childprotection.sa.gov.au/carers/carers-voice/carers-dcp-policy

If you would like to contribute to this topic, but are unable to attend a workshop, we invite you to complete a short survey to share your views: https://forms.office.com/r/hXqKBNiezC

Consultation outcomes will be shared via DCP’s Carers Voice webpage.