
You may have seen an announcement earlier this week from the state’s new Premier, the Hon Peter Malinauskas detailing his plan to change how COVID-19 will be managed in South Australia.

We will make every effort to keep you up to date with new information as it comes to hand, but we also recommend you visit the SA Health website which is regularly updated and has a range of COVID-19 information, including vaccination, testing and isolation requirements.

As a department, we understand the challenges and complexities that carers like you have faced in managing COVID-19, whether caring for a child or young person with COVID-19, or testing positive yourself and being required to isolate with your families.

Remember, the department and your support agency are here to help you. Please also remember to let your child’s DCP case worker know if a child or young person in your care has tested positive, and also should need extra assistance.


Vaccination continues to be the best defence against COVID-19. We would encourage you to take active efforts to ensure the eligible children and young people in your care have had the recommended number of doses of a TGA approved COVID-19 vaccine, as per the SA Health advice.

Children aged 5 to 15 require signed consent from their carer to have the vaccine, while young people aged 16 and over are able to give their own consent.

Please contact your DCP case worker if you need assistance with transport to a vaccination clinic or help with the appropriate forms.

Visit the SA Health website to find out more about the location of vaccination clinics and how to book.

COVID Testing

There are a number of options available to be tested for COVID-19 in South Australia – visit SA Health for more information.

Visiting a DCP office and when we visit your home

Given COVID-19 continues to be very present in the South Australian community, DCP has taken the approach we consider best protects you and your family, and also DCP staff.  This approach includes the use of masks by staff in all DCP offices and when we come to visit you at your home.  We’re also asking all visitors to DCP offices to pop on a mask before you come in (including children and young people, where appropriate).  We have masks (and hand sanitiser too) should you forget to bring a mask with you.


You would be aware that schools have been significantly impacted by COVID-19 and by now the child or young person in your care has probably been a ‘classroom contact’ at some stage or another.

Information about the Department for Education’s testing, isolating and quarantine requirements and what it means to be a ‘classroom contact’ is available on their website.


Understandably, it can be an anxious time for carers when a child or young person in their care tests positive for COVID-19. Thankfully, most children with COVID-19 will only experience a mild illness or will have no symptoms at all and can safely remain at home without the need for medical support.

When you have a child in your care that tests positive, the SA Health COVID Response Care Team will contact you via text message and you’ll be asked to complete a medical survey about the child.  If you need any additional information to complete the survey, contact the child’s DCP case worker for help.

Only a small number of children and young people will need extra medical care, for those children, the Women’s and Children’s Hospital has a dedicated virtual service called COVIDKids. This service provides specialist support to children, young people and their carers by giving them direct online and phone access to experienced paediatric nurses and doctors.

It’s important to note this service is available by referral only. Further information regarding the SA Health COVID Response Care Team, including information about COVIDkids can be found on the W&C Hospital website.

Remember that most GPs now offer telehealth appointments, and so your family GP can also provide medical support for both you and the children and young people in your care.

The COVIDKids webpage also has some useful resources about managing COVID with children and young people in the home.